Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Why don't you just go to OSU??

This post is much like my, "You don't know what you want to do with your life?!" blog on my BU page...http://tiny.cc/eCQZH

To be honest with you, I don't really know how I ended up at Butler or why it was my first choice of schools.  I just knew that I didn't want to go to OSU at all costs.  OSU is a great institution and has a lot to offer in certain areas like medicine, but going in as an undecided in a school of 50,000+ is a more than a little scary.
In addition, I like building relationships and sometimes I need a little help with that since I'm not the greatest at it (why am I a PR major again?  That's for another post).  Sometimes I'm a little tactless or need a professor to take as much interest in me as I do in them.  Its nice to have a small class where you really get noticed.  If you're struggling the prof will offer help.  If you're rockin' it you'll get praise...and that's always encouraging :)  

Senior year was just so revealing.  For years I had always planned on dancing without stepping back to think "Is this really what I want to do?  Is this where I see myself in ten years?"  And when I realized that I wasn't meant to dance it was scary but relieving at the same time.

It sounds cheesy and exaggerated, but when we visited Butler it felt like home.  I could see myself living there, going to Starbucks to study on Saturday afternoons, late nights in Irwin, running around the mall, jumping in star fountain.  It seemed like people cared about you.  Which I guess they probably do everywhere on tours, I was just lucky they genuinely do. 

I ask my parents frequently if they think I'm doing the right thing by going to Butler.  I've thought a lot about transferring to a school like Cedarville or moving back closer to home.  But here's the deal:  College is what you'll make of it.  It can be the best experience of your life or destroy you.  Just like anything else, it all depends on how you handle it and making yourself get involved and try to be the best you can be.  So even if I'm gonna have some not-so-fun student loans to pay off in the future, it will all be worth it in the end.

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