1. A Columbus Cl
I had the pleasure of attending one of these games with Michael Cochran -- who has now abandoned us all for Chicago -- last summer. Baseball games just feel like summer. The whole atmosphere from the cheap hot dogs, to the ringing organ chords and kids sitting on their dads' shoulders to watch the players lope around the bases, just screams summertime. The new park is amazing as well. It has the feel of a big-city ballpark with it's new location in the Arena District. Tickets are completely affordable as well, I think Michael and I each paid $5 for our tickets last summer. You can follow the Clippers for more deals and info on Twitter @CLBClippers
2. Rhythm on the River
BalletMet really is a treat to have in C-bus. As more and more companies call it quits this small but mighty company continues to soldier on and tackle diverse, moving pieces year after year -- and I don't just say that because I work there! Every August the company gives a sneak preview of the season to come at a little amphitheater down by the Scioto River. It's a really unique experience. Learn about what's going on at BalletMet (and read my future tweets as an intern) @BalletMet
3. OAR (@ofarevolution) at Lifestyles
Last year was my first O.A.R. experience and it was amazing. Despite many fans' critiques of their newer contemporary sound, I don't mind it. Still prefer their older stuff (mostly because Shattered was so overplayed on the radio) and the Stories of a Stranger album will forever define the summer of my Sophomore year. What makes seeing them in Columbus such a unique experience is that they were students at Ohio State and their song "Home" is all about Columbus--the place they found a 'second home'. I guess I relate to this now more than ever because I'm not sure where my home really is. We've lived here since I was 3 so it's the only home I've ever really known. Anyhow, regardless of your music preferences I guarantee you'd enjoy their live show. It's just a lot of fun!
4. Fantasia Bubble Tea
Bobby Hajjar exposed me to the greatness of Fantasia Bubble Tea on Bethel Road when we were BFFs junior year. The cute little Asians that own it are nice but a word of warning: They will try to get you to drink the 'red bean' flavor. DON'T FALL FOR IT. It's some kind of horrible mixture that was described to me as tasting like "yams." Why I decided that a liquid form of yams would be delicious? I have no idea. Just don't do it. Also a game of chinese checkers or chess is a must whilst sipping your frozen, bubble filled concoction. I think the bubbles are made of tapioca. I don't really want to know exactly what they are made of, so just don't ask questions.
5. North Market (@NorthM
The North Market describes themselves as "fabulous foodies, persnickety purveyors and artful artisans under one 44,000-square-foot roof peddling the fresh, the tasty, the exotic, the beautiful and the special." It is all that and a recyclable bag of free trade organic chips. It's basically this huge open market inside a big warehouse-like building at the end of High St., the gateway to the Short North. There are 35 different merchants that sell all kinds of yummy, delectable foods from popcorn to fresh fish to Indian food. My favorite stand is Jeni's ice cream. They make the most interesting flavors. For instance, my favorite mix is lavender, Thai chili, and some kind of dark chocolate goodness, the name of it I can't remember. Caitlyn Kinkead once said "I want this in my veins" in relation to the lavender ice cream. You know it must be good when someone wants an IV drip of it.
The Short North is kind of like a giant Broad Ripple to put it in perspective for my Bulldawgs. It's a district along High St. that has all kinds of little shops including upscale clothing boutiques, vintage shops, bars, the super-snooty Hyde Park Steakhouse, coffee & tea joints, and extends onto OSU campus. There are tons of art galleries throughout the Short North as well and they have a gallery hop around the beginning of every month. Evolved piercing and tattoo shop is also located on the outskirts near campus, which I highly recommend for piercings (and tattoos too as I can attest to as a witness). It's just fun to walk around and explore all of the various places. Also important to note that there are quality Yankee Trader and Dollar General stores on High St. Always a good time.
Check back soon for the next five!
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