Thursday, July 9, 2009

Oh Muddy Watersssssssssssssssssss

So the musical is this weekend and I'm really excited :D  It's not great dancing or great singing or great acting, but it's so much fun and I love being on stage.  I missed it a lot more than I'm willing to admit.  Only I guess I'm admitting it now...yeah whatever.

I'm being really mean today.  Its a case of the mean reds (see Breakfast at Tiffany's for details).  It's just one of those days, you know?

Me and the girls made a Michael Jackson brownie memorial cake today and decorated it with umbrellas.  It was Kaysi's idea, because he always carried umbrellas to protect his skin.  I love those girls.  They keep me from thinking too much.  They're always doing something.  For some reason when you get old you just want to sit around and do nothing.  I mean seriously, I can just sit around doing pretty much nothing or napping, for way longer than should be humanly possible.  When did I become old and able to be motionless for long periods of time?

Also I suck at every card game known to man.  I cherish and embrace it.  We can't all be king of euchre and Uno but at least I can juggle...not.

1 comment:

  1. haha at least you try!! you're pretty close to juggling.....maybe. lol
